Saturday 17 September 2011

Septembers GlossyBox

My first GlossyBox came yesterday, was I super excited and a little bit nervous after seeing all the negativity on there facebook wall!

Unless you've been living under a rock then I will assume you know what the GlossyBox is, but just for those not in the know...... For only £10 (+ £2.95 postage and packaging) the Glossybox team source 5 different luxury samples including full size items, every month for you and post right to your door.

Waiting to find out what treasure I have in my box!

Beautifully packaged in tissue paper with a pink ribbon.

Here's what came in my box, I was very happy to say the least!

Mary Greenwells 'Plum fragrance' sample - Not keen on the smell of this, it's very strong and musky, one to give to my nan I think.
Spa Magik Salt Scrub sample - Really looking forward to trying this, I have their mineral salts which are lovely so hoping this will leave my skin super soft.
HD Eye Brow Pallette FULL SIZE! - Perfect for me as I fill my brows in every day, I got my set in 'Bombshell' for Blondes but the shades can be used as liner and eyeshadow so this will be perfect as I'm running low on neutral eye shadows.
my second FULL SIZE was..
Neal & Wolf Intensive Hair Treatment (all skin types).. A brand I haven't heard of but this smells divine and I am in need of a treatment for my hair as it is falling out all over the place, bloody hormones!
Moa ' the green balm sample - Will be using this as my new lipbalm.

Overall I am very happy with this months GlossyBox, however I know there are quite a few that only recieved one full sized item and many bloggers that recieved their box free (and early!) for 'considerated' which seems a little unfair. I'll keep going with my subsription but I'm interested to try Feel Unique and Boudoir Prive boxes to see how they compare.

Love Mel & Finn xx


  1. Dead sea scrub is fantastic - I love their peel off body mask too.
    I got a different box but I'm well pleased with what I received. :)

  2. I tried it yesterday, how amazing it is! Will definitely be purchased. Will hunt down there body mask too, sounds intriguing! x
