Thursday 3 November 2011

There is a light that never goes out

I have decided that as I am rubbish at titling my posts, if I'm stuck I'm just going to use my most favourite song lyrics!

Yesterday I took Finn (well me really) to see The Lion King in 3D, I loved this film as a little one myself and couldn't wait to see it in the cinema. Having a baby makes seeing Disney and kiddie films in the cinema just a that little bit better! It was every bit as good at I remember, luckily there was only four others in the cinema so I had a little sing along and a little cry to the movie! I can't wait to take him (me again) to see Arthur!

Today we went for lunch and a little shop with my friend Claire, WetherSpoons never fails for a yummy and filling lunch on a budget.

Finn got some little treats, a nice snuggly pram suit, some boys tights from H&M, a new swimming nappy as he is such a water baby, some Palmers Baby Butter for his nightly massage and we're looking forward to trying out some Palmers Bottom Butter as recommend by Emma @ Passion for Fashion

I had a few things to return to Primark, so in exchange I picked up a hooded scarf, a gorgeous maroon and cream striped jumper which will look fab with leggings and riding boots, some PJ's, a pretty bra and some Palmers moisturizer for mama too.

Finn was wrapped up nice and warm for our trip!

Love Mel & Finn xxx


  1. Boys tights?! I don't believe I missed these earlier! Daniel has a crazy habit of pulling his trouser legs up when he's in the buggy, mad boy!
    I can't find them online either!

  2. Ah bless him! I thought they'd be good under trousers in winter and for when he's crawling. The website drives me mad there's never anything in stock for 2-4m so I always go instore, I'll have a look how big they go up to for you when I'm in there xx
